Anyway he was dead, we could not bring him back to life. When the plate becomes unstable, it buckles laterally. 横竖他死了,我们不能使他复生。当板失去稳定时,就发生横向屈曲。
Under dead and live loads, the shear lag effect in box girder of cable-stayed bridge with single tower and single cable plane is comparatively complex, and the shear lag phenomenon in the top or bottom flange plate at positions adjacent to different web plates is variational; 在恒载和活载作用下,独塔单索面斜拉桥箱形主梁的剪力滞效应比较复杂,在顶板或底板的不同肋板处剪力滞现象也可能各不相同;
Stiffness method for non-linear analysis of effect of dead loads on plate 板恒载效应非线性分析的刚度法
The stilling basin base plate supports mainly the hydrodynamic load, the dead load and the uplift, its stable condition depends mainly on the hydrodynamic pressure, the uplift and the dead load in the base plate surface and the botton surface. 消能塘底板主要承受动水荷载、自重及扬压力,其稳定条件主要取决于作用在底板表、底面上的动水压力、扬压力及自重等。